2010년 11월 13일 토요일

The fire spread rapidly

feeling that the people, threatening their own. ! To remove Ouyang Mo! Zhou hills, has been determined. Ouyang Mo led the more than 100 people, jeeps, motorcycle, a team of the troops now to the President of the bases set out. dosang base now goes, the oldest in the various armed groups, each with at least 10 members to him. The mutual hostility between them, the Department from God, has refused to accept each other. In short, it is like a pile of chemicals in the area, with which the uncertainty which has played a response. However, they are not expected that a massacre has been quiet*. 2 Volume 3 Kim Kok Feng Yun No. 43 Chapter massacre More than in the near San base, Ouyang Mo the team divided into three teams in order to each team stormed the fastest speed bases inside the most powerful weapons and firepower, they beat the exchange rates, and then their upset. The tough guy, you must use of drugs. Blitz In addition, all other tactics for many years to help the itinerant bandits, is involved. Ouyang Mozambique with the command of the three volumes flood billowing smoke and dust, noise toward being a base to rush into the fastest speed. 3, 3 as flood knife, severely into a huge amount of heart. Many people are shocked the base, with our eyes open 10 the number of vehicles and motorcycles open canopy jeep like a gust of wind from Yang from all over the sky of the dust. No response from the time they also think that what is the oldest of his intention to put on display of ostentation. Until a jeep open canopy, Huang Mao loudly Tsim each with a smile on their shoulders a style rocket launchers, the gang of armed elements in the blank that they can express a voice of surprise, "I*! " It was too late. "monitoring" in a sound Ching Ming, a rocket with a long tail, it did not face the greatest number of people towards the secret of flying over the past. At the mouth of the People, s Congress Zhang, a loud sound of explosion, not the arms and legs to fly in midair. The comrades Mao Huang began to make a lightning war in the first shot. No, the first shot. The fire spread rapidly. There were waves of loud laughter accompanied by a sharp criticisms and anger, like a rocket grenade hail the crowd towards general and not ashamed of throwing, pieces of ammunition as rainstorm in

After the incident

appreciated Mozambique Ouyang. Ouyang Mo fortune this appears to be a man, but there is a striking military quality. He is not a like cattle most of the military personnel. As a real soldiers, in addition to the motherland and the integrity of their own strength, strong and should not be any other luxury. Day with money to the house, with women, so, how can forge ahead, how can we do not want to be just. The first city du even see Ouyang Mo, it was his desire that the power to deter. Money, beauty, all of this for Ouyang Mo, like dirt. Therefore, he will be selected Ouyang and absolutely to the implementation of the mandate of the potential danger. 2 a day earlier, Ouyang Mok is a contingent of 130 people. All of the week at the hands of the hills, all the elites. Wen is aware, of course always Lin....... Since the last attack, he felt happy in the battle. Every person has filled with bullets and grenade, waist, not a pistol, shoulder, each of the AK-47, dressed in clothes flowers, Hu posts, an absolute standard configuration of the culprits. Ouyang Mozambique in the forefront of the people in the face, shouted, "brothers, this is the moment we revenge. The boss are all together, eating, drinking and playing inside. Outside of those who is on display, and cannot be! They do not think that we will give them a sudden Lightning war! We are playing in the attack. All of the oldest killed since then, Kim 3 point is we! " Everybody Boiling! The cheers, anxious. Everyone not restrain himself happy expression and movement, and they are going to go to a massacre, rather than war. Ouyang Mo character of the fortune here not to be played by the increase. His sudden change, and to live in a terrorist and arrogant features. Zhou, looking at the Ouyang Shan across the window and her eyes look quite complex. He has more than once in a variety of means test him, but the result was surprisingly perfect. But he did not believe that, in the ordinary troops would only serve two years of military service, so how tough the combat capability and command capabilities. Therefore, he doubted, Ouyang Mo from the special team, in order to a sacred mission to the contract is a long time. But all this is suspected. Ouyang after he came to help him solve the many difficult to resolve the matter. The man, Zhou hills, has deep appreciation to them. Since the force after graduation, he has not seen such smaller men. However, Zhou hills, no matter how to convince himself of the subconscious are in constant said, the man, is a threat. Zhou hills, suddenly the hard, "a sound balance of the" Breaking the glass. Also do not drink red wine, gradually to a criminal. Zhou, mt.... This is the last time Ouyang Mok. After the incident, killing him. Zhou hills, absolutely not allowed, a bomb, as a general

The smiles

aborigines continuously. Luo was Tang Cabinet later in Yunnan established a banquet, at the invitation of the remaining five Fan went to Wang banquet. at the banquet middle assassin assassination, and the pine, bamboo house with fire, Wang all five Fan killed on the spot. Luo cabinet attack merger seizing the opportunity for the remaining five tribal chaos, the unification of Yunnan, were canonized as Nanzhao Wang. " Zhou hills, slightly with a frown, said: "What? You mean to say, sang wish to use the measure, we are all in the fight, and then exclusive gold and three point? " Ouyang he nodded his head, said: "I am afraid that this is the case. " Zhou hills, the side sideways, asked, "If you see it? " Ouyang MOK considered a moment to say the good intention to have their hearts out, "We in the road, the Governing Body. at the banquet on that day, all were invited to the oldest in the outskirts of the armed forces is certainly a lot. It is not an organization, there are contradictions between them and suspicion. Therefore, the external armed elements who appears to be, is in fact a tray of loose sand, click the dispersed, might also be the provisional Government pulled out! " " The next week to mountains, he said: "You mean by tomorrow, we are not attending the banquet, directly to the past, all of them fight? ! " "It is so. "Ouyang Mo said. Ouyang Shan your eyes on the week and calm said: "You know, if it did not succeed, we will become the target of the Armed Forces Kim 3 point. At that time, you and me, there is no escape. " Ouyang Mo Chou, face the eyes of the word "arrow on the bow to the ear. " Zhou hills, with a smile, "he laughs, it is natural, then relaxed. Ouyang in Mozambique, the smiles, and it is not a traitor should have. Zhou, Ouyang Shan Mozambique can shoulder, he said: ". It is agreeable to me. The task entrusted to you. you tomorrow with many more people use of arms and ammunition to all of them I fight! I assume command rear stay at home. Such a success, Trinidad and Tobago 3 point is that we know the world. " Ouyang Mok had already considered the hills, will agree with this week. Because of this, too greedy. No matter how good you how calm, but as long as there is greed, it will affect you make a correct judgement. Du city understanding even weeks, he also

Calm voice

This is a shocking boxes filled with Renminbi. Zhou hills, Ouyang Mo patted his shoulder, said, "Oh, poor US dollars in our side, the Renminbi would not be easy. do n,t see, received. " Ouyang do understand that, whenever and wherever the test, is a test. He immediately exposed the unparalleled greedy eyes, happy said: "Thank you, Trinidad and Tobago 9. " Zhou hills, he received the money, the meaning of him, said: "Tomorrow I go a long trip? " Ouyang Mo asked, "Where? " "To many sauna. Zhou hills, calm voice: "The old man is a table banquet, Kim 3 point all the organizations are invited to the head. It is because it is a surprise attack. It is a peacock. " The volume 2 cents each chapter of the Fengyun No. 42 conspiracy Ouyang Mozambique began brain rapid rotation. Now he is not only want to get rid of the week mountain! After seeing the shining white heroin, he is determined to make the payment of a turbulent 3 point. Let it badly hurt. China will not have the ability to import large quantities of opium. To achieve this goal, the quickest way is to let their dog bites dog fight each other. A little reflection, Ouyang Mo asked: Trinidad and Tobago 9 "And the banquet, can carry weapons? " Zhou hills, shook his head, said: "I am afraid not. The President, deceit, time will come in the search for everyone. " Ouyang Mo also asked, "we will have to go? " Zhou hills, thinking the moment, "not to do so, it means that we are afraid, the case is that we do. Thus, we will be 3 point all the armed forces of the target of criticism. " Ouyang Mo said: "We have to come cannot carry weapons. What does that mean that people would not cut speaking, I would like to fish? the oppressed and exploited? " Ouyang Shan looking at the week, he said, "What do you have a better way? " Ouyang Mo absorption of a deep breath, slowly to the Tang dynasty period that Trinidad and Tobago 9 Yunnan Nanzhao Wang Luo cabinet. At that time there were six Fan Wang Yunnan, among the

Ouyang mo to pull out of the fastest speed behind the desert eagle pistols

It is not distance. Ouyang mo to pull out of the fastest speed behind the desert eagle pistols, thrown hand "Bang Bang" shot two points. heavy machine guns, killing two red eyes shooters moment lost consciousness, with the bloody holes in the first was the ground. "death" mechanical discipline in the flames around to Ding Lin m less than half the time, it was finally stopped the ROARs. From the cottage positions in the number of people rushed out of the dispute to the heavy machine guns start a new round of the sweeping. Ouyang Mo new round of arm thrown hand grenade in the past two satellites, blowing a few individuals, Mark Qin heavy machine guns was blown into a heap of scrap iron. A few of them feel warm seeing the sound of a roar, energized. Ouyang Mo cyclonic storm with a team of positions in the hands of the assault rifles d enough strength and a period of time and the final elimination of all armed elements have also made a clean. The service, Ouyang Mo team of three people were killed and four slight price to wipe out the 62 people sang at the hands of armed elements. Ouyang when he carried a few fellow members of the body to return to their sites, the weather is bright. The message conveyed to President, the more than 50 years old drug trafficker into a rage. Gas. Under the leadership of the people to seize the collar and wild roared: "know what help the people? ! " Under the leadership of the fear of frightening younger brother of replied, "not now............ but also do not know the brothers were heard in Chinese loudly, is it possible to help the remaining part of the Kuomintang. " The President of the leaders of many people give to the one side, he sits on a chair meditated. The Council, he said the mumble said: "It is impossible...... the Kuomintang troops not so strong combat effectiveness. This can be launched by surprise, only one person is likely that week mountain! " The adoption of the war, Ouyang Mo, s reputation. Back to the war through the oral description, everyone is Ouyang Mo excellent leadership skills and admire the combat capability. The Organization of the old members of the exclusion from his attitude has become the accepted. Ouyang Mozambique now go where, he nodded in agreement with the road, "Mo Trinidad and Tobago. " Ouyang Mo was in no doubt that he has already begun in the Organization has a certain influence. However, did not kill the week. The day, week hill sent a message to Ouyang mo to see him. Ouyang not just a door, Zhou hills, with a smile on the face, she said, "Mo Trinidad and Tobago. " Ouyang Mo hurriedly said, "Oh, Trinidad and Tobago 9, discount kill me. " Zhou hills, appears to be very happy to sit down Ouyang Mo, said: "You Mo Trinidad and Tobago is well deserved. Zhou mixed hills, I so many years, was seen as you are so desperately serious health 3. It is in China, s special forces inside, and is certainly one of the 2. " Ouyang Mo smiling face filled with the free expression, it was a shock. But he did not appear not to let Zhou hills, see any clues. Zhou hills, waving the recruitment, Kyaw Wen came up and handed the Ouyang Mo a suitcase. Ouyang mo about asked: Trinidad and Tobago 9 ", which is? ...... " Zhou hills, said: "This is for you. Open to see. " Ouyang Mo gently opened the suitcase.