2010년 9월 20일 월요일

so good physically nursed back to health

so good physically nursed back to health, she opened a perfume bar, she's doing well Each fragrance is very popular, but her favorite is the one that has a quiet, elegant atmosphere of perfume. few years later, her perfume it more and more famous. This is not because there those seductive fragrance, but also because there has qualities such as blue,herve leger calm, elegant her. but she rarely smiled, and only a couple can see the light if she orchids smile. It was her customers, men often push serious illness of his wife here to buy perfume. that has a fresh, clean breath of the man, always gentle to the wife from the car hold a small mind, and then prepared into a wheelchair in advance, the action is so gentle, herve leger dresslove, the feeling is so warm, natural, especially if the man's wife faced diseases sun, sea, smiles, and the woman smiles, her heart is always warm and humid. the past few years, three of them into an acquaintance, she was familiar with the couple's everything: their acquaintance, acquaintance, and love, and defends. Each time, he asked her to put into a fine perfume gift box packaging, though in her view, there is no need. until that happy to his wife to tell her, packaged into boxes,herve leger bandage dress because they live hard, he promised to love her perfume, and when they work hard out of a world of their own, he would package them into exquisite perfume gift to her. He did not go back on each buy perfume, he untied her happy to gift box, put on some perfume for her hand.
She understood the tacit understanding between them, began to admire their harmony, and then see them warm and to appear in front of her She is moving more. his wife is smiling away.

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